Apply custom fonts to your BindTuning theme

BindTuning's extensive catalog of fully-customizable themes will empower you to mirror the customization to your business needs and brand identity. 

This same tailoring is not purely restricted to your brand aesthetics and colors, but rather comprehending more guideline-specific customizations, like the implementation of custom fonts. 

To upload your custom fonts, follow this article

Apply custom fonts

After all the necessary fonts have been uploaded, we can utilize them in any of our theme customizations. To do so, simply follow the steps below: 

      1. In the Customizer Tool, navigate to the Customize section; 
      2. Navigate to the Text/Links subsection; 
      3. Modify the Base font and/or Heading font by clicking on the pencil icon
      4. Under the filtering dropdown, select My Fonts;
      5. Proceed to apply the necessary font;


      6. Verify that the fonts have been applied to your customization. 

        Note: Due to differences in structure, some themes may require an extra-step so as to make sure the fonts are applied to the navigation. If you notice the fonts are not being applied to the default navigation, follow the steps below: 

        1. In the Customizer Tool, navigate to the Customize section; 
        2. Select the Navigation subsection;
        3. Under Navs font, select the pencil icon;
        4. Under the filtering dropdown, select My Fonts;
        5. Proceed to apply the necessary font;


The fonts have been successfully uploaded and applied! 

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