Due to recent updates to SharePoint Online you might experience issues with your BindTuning products on classic SharePoint sites.
If your theme/web parts are not rendering properly and you have the public CDN enable the browser stills loading from the cache, please follow the alternatives provided in the instructions below:
We strongly recommend applying the fix to your theme even if this issue is not affecting you yet. Please note that you must repeat this process for each site collection where you have the theme installed. Applying this will avoid down times on your site.
If you have the Collapsible Riboon tool, you can update it on your BindTuning account for the latest version and reinstalling it will fix.
Using SharePoint designer
Upload the new file
- Open your site using SharePoint designer
- Go to All Files -> Style Library -> YOUR THEME NAME -> JS
- Upload the file inside this zip to the library.
- Check it in, if asked to publish the major version
Replace the new path on masterpage
- Go to _catalogs -> masterpage -> YOUR THEME NAME
- Check out and edit in advanced mode the master page in use.
- Find the path.js and add the path for the new file by path1.js
- Save the files, check-in, if asked to publish the major version
- Refresh your browser using CTRL + F5
With this step, we force the CDN to provide a new file which will correct the issue.
Using the Browser
Upload the new file
- Open the root site of the site collection where the theme is installed
- Go to Site Contents
- Open the Style Library
- Locate the folder with the custom name of your theme and open it
- Open the JS folder
- Upload the file inside this zip to the library.
- Check in the file and if asked to publish the major version
Replace the new path on masterpage
- Open the root site of the site collection where the theme is installed
- At the URL add _catalogs/masterpage
- Go to YOUR THEME NAME folder
- Check out the master page in use and then download a copy of the masterpage
- Open the file with the Notepad
- Find the path.js and add the new file name of path1.js
- Upload the new masterpage to the library to replace the older one
- Save the files, check-in, if asked to publish the major version
- Refresh your browser using CTRL + F5
With this step, we force the CDN to provide a new file which will correct the issue.