Web Parts Release - April 2021

Slider (v2.10.9.53)



Fixed : Slider bullets

Fixed the slider bullets to not overlap the page's navigation elements.

Calendar (v2.7.9.53)



Fixed : Issue with all day events

Some all day events were appearing on the wrong day depending on the timezone.

Maps (v2.6.9.47)



Fixed (Modern): Create new list

After creating a new list from the property pane there was a field that wasn't being mapped, and when adding or editing a new item, the form was being opened on the SharePoint instead of a modal.

Documents (v2.9.9.51)



Fixed : Connection to some document libraries

The web part is now able to connect to default document libraries that have internal names in a non-English language

News (v1.8.9.54)



Fixed : Wrong news being show on the modal

When a list view was selected some items were showing the wrong news on the modal.


Improvement : Size of the news placeholder on loading

Reduced the maximum number of items on placeholders to prevent the container to expand more than it should when the web part is loading.

People (v1.1.9.36)



New feature : Rich text content on about me section

It is now possible to add rich text content to the about me section by creating an enhanced rich text column on the list
Read more


New feature : Search by multiple fields

Now, is possible to refine the search by using multiple words to match multiple fields.


New feature : Mouse over behavior on the face layout

On face layout, the profiles are now being shown on mouse over


Improvement : Option to dial-in enabled by default

The option that allows the user to start a dial-in connection is now activated by default


Fixed : Microsoft Teams icon

The icon that allows the user to navigate for the Teams chat was missing

Accordion (v1.0.9.20)



Fixed (Modern): Create new list

After creating a new Accordion list from the property pane, the web part was not connecting to the list.


Fixed (Classic): Color picker

When selecting a new color from the color picker, the hexadecimal field was not being updated withe chosen color.

Image Gallery (v1.1.9.17)



Fixed : Fixed connection to some document libraries

The web part is now able to connect to default document libraries that have internal names in a non-English language

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