Send an email notification when a new BindTuning Alert is added

BindTuning Alerts web part provides you with an easy-to-use, highly customizable, and visually striking way to bring your users' attention to new notifications that could, otherwise, be easily missed. Considering this product to be highly versatile, in certain scenarios you may want to, not only display your information on your concrete SharePoint page, but also send an email notification with the content that has been added to your Web Part. 

This article will elaborate on how you are able to achieve this same purpose, by incorporating BindTuning's product range and Microsoft's Power Platforms. 

Before we begin

This article utilizes several distinctive technologies: 

  • BindTuning Alerts Web Part, allowing you to display a notification-like popup and/or container populated with important information; 
  • We leverage Microsoft's Power Automate, due to it being a low-code platform and its vast range of pre-existent connectors.
  • We make use of Office 365 Groups, as a way to control the users we will be sending notifications to. 

Introductory notes

This article describes how to automatically send an email to all users belonging to a specific Office 365 Group when a new entry is added to an Alerts web part on your SharePoint infrastructure.

Note: Albeit we demoing the procedure on the Alerts web part, you'll be able to adapt the proposed steps, so as for them to work with other BindTuning products. 

This article will be subdivided into two distinct steps: 

  1. Create and set up your BindTuning Alerts Web Part
  2. Create and set up your Power Automate Flow.

Create and set up your BindTuning Alerts Web Part

The first step constitutes adding and configuring your Alerts Web Part. To do so, follow the steps below: 

  1. Add a BindTuning Alerts Web Part to your SharePoint page; 
  2. Select Configure (or click the pencil icon) and, from the menu select Create new BT Alerts List;


The list has been successfully associated with the Alerts Web Part. After completing this same procedure, we're free to start adding our own content, by mousing over the Web Part and clicking on the plus (+) icon on the Web Part zone. 

This will open the Web Part form, through which you'll be able to create your new alert. Below follows an exemplificative alert: 


After creating the alert, we will now see it being displayed as a pop-up or, alternatively, as an entry on the web part zone.

alert-configured.PNGCreate and set up your Power Automate Flow

Considering our Alerts web part to have been configured, we can now move to creating a Power Automate Flow, which will send an email to the pertinent users, as soon as a new Alerts entry is created and/or modified. To do so, follow the steps below: 

  1. Access your Power Automate area and select Create;
  2. Under Start from Blank, select Automated cloud flow
  3. When prompted, give your flow a name and select the trigger When an item is created or modified;
  4. Hit Create;


You'll be redirected to the flow maker area, where we will be able to further configure our flow. 

On your When an item is created or modified, pass the values for: 

  • Site Address - The Site Collection where you have added the Alerts Web part; 
  • List Name - The list you have created on the Alerts Web Part (i.e, BT-Alerts).


After configuring our first step, click on + New Step and search for List group members. Here, we will pass the O365 group, to whom we want to send email notifications, as soon as a new alert is created.


After adding your group, select + New Step and search for Send an email, under the Office 365 Outlook Action. 

  1. Under To select Add dynamic content and pass Mail, retrieved from the step above (this step will automatically create a section called Apply to each); 
  2. Under Subject, pass the value you wish to display with on the email. In this particular scenario, we will be passing the Title associated with the previously created Alerts list;
  3. Under Body, we can create our email template, where we will be passing the following information: 
    1. The Display Name of the user we are sending the email to; 
    2.  The Alert content we had configured previously. 

Note: All the above-mentioned elements can be automatically retrieved when selecting Add dynamic content.


After all the steps have been completed, you should have something similar to the model below: 


As soon as the steps above have been finalized, when adding or modifying an alert on our Alerts web part, the corresponding users will receive the email template we have configured. 


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