Fix release: update to x.x.x.14

This release will be available starting September 03, 2018 and affects several themes.

IMPORTANT: This release is only available for the following platforms:

SharePoint 2013/2016/Hybrids/CSS Only, Office 365.
This release has changes on the theme files structure, if you have copies of the previous master page a merge is recommend to avoid errors after the installation.

This release solves the following issues:

All Themes

  • Improvement: Footer bottom placement performance improvements.
  • Fixed: Issue caused by the rewrite of the $ variable that is used by SharePoint in this page. The fix is wrap the jQuery file with this both conditions.
  • Fixed: When you add to a value to a SharePoint list column with a People picker the space of the box is too large. If you have 1 value already it breaks to the next line break to the next line without a proper style.
  • Fixed: Issues with web part properties panel.
  • Fixed: Carousel Makes Mega Menu loses links.
  • Fixed: Quick Launch longer title overflowing.
  • Fixed: Form element styling issues.
  • Fixed: People picker styling issues.
  • Improvements
    • Up to 75% smaller package size;
    • 70 to 80% less server requests for all themes;
    • 20 to 30% faster load times;


SharePoint Modern themes (SPFx)

  • Fixed: When you type on the URL Upper Cases the Zones don't load content there.
  • Fixed: Losing theme settings when changing pages.
  • Fixed: Page breaking when importing news from external page.

SharePoint CSS Only themes (SPCSS)

  • Fixed: Word file being overlapped by theme's overlay.

Engage theme

  • Fixed: Mobile page title and navigation issues.
  • Font Awesome has been removed due to the fact that the theme is using Fabric UI icons.
    If you still need it, please read this article.
  • Fixed: Web Part titles getting cut off.

Ignite theme

  • Font Awesome has been removed due to the fact that the theme is using Ionicons.
    If you still need it, please read this article.

Temple theme

  • Fixed: Toggle ribbon overlapping search.

Kraft theme

  • Fixed: SharePoint modals overlapping navigation bar.
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