BindTuning Web Parts Subscription pricing is calculated taking into consideration the number of SharePoint actual users. BindTuning offers you a way to monitor usage of your web part subscription, provided you are NOT behind a Firewall, as it might block the connection to BindTuning CDN.
- Login on your BindTuning account at Bind Tuning;
- Mouse over the gravatar and select the My Plans;
- Mouse over the desired Web Part Subscription and click to View Dashboard
- On the Dashboard View you can identify the:
- Usage(Seats) - Number of unique SharePoint users.
- Page Views - Number of pages containing a BindTuning Web Part that are visited.
- Sessions - Number of times any user (not unique) accesses any page in which at least one BindTuning Web Part is deployed.
- WebParts - The BindTuning Web Parts available for download.
Important! If you are behind a Firewall, the #users should fall back to what is showing in your SharePoint analytics report.
What kind of information does BindTuning have access to?
With JSOM, we can programmatically retrieve the SPUser object associated with the current request. However, is not possible to access the underlying authentication token for the current user.
Using the SPUser object, BindTuning Web Parts get access to the following information:
- ID
- Login Name
- Groups
All the above properties can be used by the web parts to target data that is displayed to the end users, within the context of the web part.
Data sent to BindTuning API
BindTuning SaaS products include a script in charge of making calls to the BindTuning API. The following information is sent to the BindTuning service in each API call:
- Subscription ID
- Encrypted User ID (anonymous SharePoint user information is also sent)
- Timestamp
- Web Part type (Tiles / Slider / Maps / ....)
Data collected by Azure
Each API call is also logged by our underlying Azure framework. From Azure’s IIS report, BindTuning collects the following additional data per request:
- Requested URL
- Origin URL
- Origin IP
- Request Status Code
Note this type of information is naturally logged by the Azure service and is not part of the BindTuning API.
Security Guidelines
Data collected by the Web Parts is stored in a Microsoft Azure Storage container, all the communications made between the Web Parts and Microsoft Azure are made using a secure SSL connection and follow Microsoft best practices.
Protecting Users Privacy
All user’s data is received encrypted, and BindTuning does not have access to user’s IDs or emails at any point in this process.