Change Document Mode on Master Pages

Info: SharePoint Designer is required in order to accomplish the steps described in this article. If you need to download it please follow this link.

Your SharePoint master page contains a code that forces Internet Explorer browser to use Internet Explorer 10 document mode even if the site user is using the most recent and updated Internet Explorer 11 browser. This means they won't see some animations.

You simply need to update your SharePoint master page to target the latest version of Internet Explorer, to update your master page, follow these simple steps.

For Office365 and SharePoint 21013/2016

  1. Open your site with SharePoint Designer
  2. Go to All Files > _catalogs > masterpage > THEMENAME
  3. Check out and edit in advanced mode the file FILENAME.master in use
  4. Locate <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10"/>
  5. Replace the code above with <SharePoint:IECompatibleMetaTag runat="server" />
  6. Save, check in and if asked, publish a major version
  7. Refresh your browser using CTRL + F5
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