BindTuning's Design (themes) feature is delivered as a subscription-based model. This same subscription will allow you to customize, install and download as many themes as you may possibly need.
After downloading your theme you won't be able to re-customize it using BindTuning's Customizer Tool.
To overcome this same situation, the Design feature provides you with the ability to access your account and customize a brand new theme, if in need of adjustments accommodated by our Customizer Tool.
Likewise, BindTuning's Customizer Tool offers the ability to save your customizations (i.e, colors, fonts, navigation, etc.), so as to be used in posterior theme customizations, removing the need to manually configure all available elements, but rather using your pre-existing customization template. Instructions on how to save your customization can be found here.
Alternatively, and for custom modifications, you're able to make use of your theme resources and features.
For Modern SharePoint
For BindTuning themes applied on Modern SharePoint sites, proceed to perform the modifications using the feature below:
For Classic SharePoint
For BindTuning themes applied on Classic SharePoint sites, proceed to perform the modifications using the files below:
- Theme resources (CSS, Fonts, JavaScript);
- Master Pages.
BindTuning offers Premium Support Services, that accommodate theme customization and/or custom development, so as to further tailor your BindTuning theme according to your specifications.