Lesson 2 | Start using BindTuning Themes

Easily customizable, BindTuning themes allow you to brand your intranet by changing basic SharePoint features, such as background, colors, fonts, footers, navigation etc. Start from one of the Themes in our Theme Gallery and use our online tool, The Builder, to make your own customizations with no code

BindTuning themes are available for any SharePoint version available:

  • Office 365
  • SharePoint 2013
  • SharePoint 2016
  • SharePoint Hybrid 2013
  • SharePoint Hybrid 2016
  • SharePoint CSS Only

Important! If you opt for the CSS Only version of the theme, there will be no changes to the master page. All others (Office 365, Hybrid, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016) do change the master page.

Note: Some of the BindTuning Themes are available for other CMSs such as Orchard, Kentico, DNN or Umbraco. To get to know our offer on these CMSs please access to the next link.


Start your Free Trial

How can I request a Theme Trial? 

To know more about how to request a trial theme for any SharePoint version, check next link.

How long will my Theme Trial last?

30 days from the day you download your theme. Automatic extensions of the trial period are no longer available.

Brand your Theme

How can I customize a theme? 

With BindTuning online Builder, you can brand your SharePoint in minutes with almost no code required. To know how to use the Builder please have a look at the next link.

Can I share my Theme Customizations with my Team before Purchasing?

Yes! Read more at the next link.

Can I save my Theme Customizations to review later?

Yes! Read more at the next link.

Installing your BindTuning Theme

User Guides

After starting your Trial or Purchasing your Theme, check installation guides available for each CMS Version:

All Themes User Guides include instructions on how to install, uninstall and upgrade or update your theme.

Why should I install Demo Content and how can I do it? 

Demo content enriches your user experience, allowing you to test your theme in an environment that is closer to reality. Instructions on how to install demo content available.

Buy your theme

What are the pricing and licensing options available to buy a Theme?

BindTuning themes are sold as one-off purchases - you buy a theme once and it is yours forever. Know more about Pricing & Licensing.

How can I purchase a Theme for which I have previously requested a trial?

If your trial period has ended and you decide to purchase the theme, follow the instructions available the next link.

How can I use a License from a Theme Bundle to get a Theme?

If you have previously purchased a Theme Bundle you can use your licenses following the instructions available here.

Enhance your BindTuning Theme Experience

Tips & Tricks

  1. Add a Custom Logo
  2. Edit Footer
  3. Improve Navigation
Have more questions? Submit a request


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