Set a Mega Menu

Our themes include mega-menu functionality which isn't available by default in SharePoint sites. To use it you're gonna need to set up a Managed Metadata Navigation since the default SharePoint navigation only allows for menus with 2 hierarchical levels. To create more complex menus you need to use the Managed Navigation. Below are some articles on how to do this.

Note: When the site only shows 2 levels on the navigation, you will fall back to a standard menu.

SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2016/2013

  1. To accomplish the following steps you'll need to download and install the SharePoint Designer. Open your site with SharePoint designer
    • Farm solution: All files > _catalogs > master page
    • Sandbox solution: All files > _catalogs > master page > THEMENAME
  2. Check out and edit the master page you are using
  3. Locate
  4. Change the option from Style:"default" to Style:"MegaMenu"
  5. Save the master, check it in and If prompted about versioning publish the major version.
  6. Refresh your browser using CTRL + F5

SharePoint CSS Only

  1. Go to SettingsBindTuning Settings Page.
  2. Select the section Horizontal Menu.
  3. Choose Mega Menu in the Style option.
  4. Save the page properties.
  5. Refresh your browser using CTRL + F5
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