Closing a Web Part - How to retain your configurations?

The good thing about closing a web part is that will be no longer visible, but it will be placed in a Folder named Closed Parts and you can add it again to the page where it was before. After re-adding a Closed Web Part to the page, it will retain all the prior configurations.

The procedure to Close Web Parts is only available for Classic SharePoint sites and/or pages.

Before deleting a web part on a page, it is important to give it a different name, other than the default one.

Rename Web Part

To rename your Web Part, proceed as follows:

  1. Edit your SharePoint page; 
  2. Locate the Web Part you wish to close; 
  3. On the Web Part panel, select Webpart Properties;


  4. Under Web Part Appearance change the Web Part Title


  5. Save the configurations.

Close Web Part

After re-naming our Web Part, we necessarily need to allow it to be closed. To do this:

  1. Re-enter Edit mode;
  2. Select the Web Part you wish to close, and expand the Web Part property menu;
  3. Select the option Edit Web Part;


  4. Open the Advanced tab and select Allow Close


  5. Save the configuration.

After saving the configuration, you'll notice your Web Part menu to display the option Close.


Note: If you're unable to enable the option Close, please follow the alternate process below: 

  1. Access the SharePoint page where the Web Part you wish to close is located; 
  2. On the corresponding page URL, add ?contents=1;


  3. Select the Web Part you wish to close and hit Close.


Re-open Web Part

If you need to add a previously closed Web Part, proceed as follows: 

  1. Edit your SharePoint page; 
  2. Select the Web Part zone where you wish to add the closed Web Part; 
  3.  On the ribbon, select Insert followed by Web Part; 
  4. Under Categories, select Closed Parts;


  5. Select the closed Web Part and select Add.


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