How do I edit a master page?

Classic SharePoint sites utilize Master Pages, that can be adjusted, in order to further modify the associated layout and page structure. 

In contrast, SharePoint's Modern experience is not built using Master pages. This being the case, the steps below will only apply to the Classic SharePoint experience.  

Note: Master page modification constitutes a delicate procedure and should be taken with the utmost care, so as to make sure all modifications will not render the master pages unusable. 

This article elaborates on how you're able to modify your own master pages. 

Info: SharePoint Designer is required in order to accomplish the steps described in this article. If you need to download it please follow this link. SharePoint Designer is highly recommended as it provides the ability to return to a previous version of a file, in the eventually of a failed modification.

To edit a master page file, proceed as follows:

SandBox Solution (SharePoint Online, SP2013/SP2016/SP2019)

  1. Open your site with SharePoint Designer
  2. Go to All Files > _catalogs > masterpage > THEMENAME
  3. Check out and edit in advanced mode the file FILENAME.master (eg Home.master)
  4. Edit the file as desired
  5. Save, check in and if asked, publish a major version
  6. Refresh your browser using CTRL + F5

Farm Solution (SP2013/SP2016/SP2019)

  1. Open your site with SharePoint Designer
  2. Go to All Files > _catalogs > masterpage
  3. Check out and edit in advanced mode the file FILENAME.master (eg Home.master)
  4. Edit the file as desired
  5. Save, check in and if asked, publish a major version
  6. Refresh your browser using CTRL + F5
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