Theme demo content: importing into Umbraco

Starting in release X.X.X.2, BindTuning themes are packaged including demo content which can be directly imported into your Umbraco website.

IMPORTANT: Your BindTuning theme must be installed and applied to the site, prior to proceeding.
For previous versions of Umbraco, menu options can be different. Look for the same option name.


To import demo content into your Umbraco website, proceed as follows:

  1. Login to, and go to your account. Download your theme's demo content .zip file:
  2. Extract the zip file to your computer. File is named
  3. The extracted file is a TXT file.
  4. Go to Umbraco admin (http://yourURL/umbraco
  5. Open demo content file (.txt) and copy “Main Content Zone”.
    Note: Copy only source inside “@section MainContentZone { THIS CODE HERE }”
  6. Select Content option
  7. Open the page where you want to add demo content
  8. Paste the source to Content area.
    Please note, if you have html code change “source code” (*6.1)
  9. Make sure you save and publish, and that’s it
  10. For the others zones, copy content zone (e.g. Social Zone, Banner Zone, F4_Zone100 (Footer Zone) from demo content file.
  11. Go to Settings option and click at master you have activate.
  12. Paste source after or before “@RenderSection(‘ SECTION ‘, false )”
  13. Save
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