How to remove SharePoint's page title

In certain scenarios, you may want to remove the page title from your SharePoint site. BindTuning themes provide you with the flexibility of performing that same removal, regardless of SharePoint environment or experience. 

This article covers that same procedure for both Modern and Classic SharePoint sites and/or pages.


Modern SharePoint

To remove your Modern SharePoint's site page title, follow the instructions below: 

  1. Access your site collection; 
  2. On the ribbon, open your BindTuning Settings Panel


  3. On the General tab, enable the option Hide Page Title.


Classic SharePoint

To remove your Classic SharePoint's site page title, edit the theme's .css file and add the following code to the bottom:

/* custom css to remove the page title */ { display:none; }
Note: All master pages will be affected.
If, alternatively, you wish to perform this modification on a site collection-to-site collection basis, you're able to leverage BindTuning's custom styles file, by inputting the same CSS snippet provided above. 
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    Katherine Harrington

    Can I also force the logo to hide?

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