Due the limitations in the Records Center site collection, the installation process for BindTuning themes on these sites is slightly different from other site collections.
In this type of site collection activating SandBox solutions is not possible, therefore theme need to be installed manually.
Requirement: To proceed you will need to have SharePoint Designer and a compression software supporting .CAB files
Requirement: The Master Page option may not be available. If this is the case, make sure to follow all pre-installation steps from the user manual.
To install the theme on your site collection proceed as follows:
- Publish theme master pages
- Open your theme .zip file and extract the WSP solution
- On the extracted folder navigate to
THEMENAME.SP2013 > THEMENAMEModules > Files > _catalogs > masterpage
- Copy THEMENAME folder
- Open your site collection using SharePoint Designer
- On SharePoint Designer navigate to
All Files > _catalogs > masterpage
and paste THEMENAME folder - Open folder THEMENAME on SharePoint Designer, select all files and check them out
- Once this process is finished, select all files again and check them in. If prompted, publish a major version.
- Publish theme Style Library assets
- On the theme extracted folder navigate to
THEMENAME.SP2013 > THEMENAMEModules > Files > Style_Library
- Copy THEMENAME folder
- On SharePoint Designer, go to
All Files > Style Library
and paste THEMENAME folder - Open folder THEMENAME on SharePoint Designer, select all files and check them out
- Once this process is finished, select all files again and check them in. If prompted, publish a major version.
- On the theme extracted folder navigate to
- Apply the master page to your site collection
- In your browser, open the Record Center site collection
- On the SharePoint ribbon click Settings
- Click Site Settings
- Under "Look and Feel" select Master Page
- Select the master page to apply