To add a custom logo to your orchard website follow these steps:
- Place the logo file on your server (for example in the theme's folder /content/images)
- Edit theme file site.css
- Add to the bottom
#Logo a {
background:url(../content/images/YOURIMAGE) no-repeat;
height: IMAGEHEIGHTpx;
width: IMAGEWIDTHpx; }
I am using Kraft theme with Orchard 1.3
Following these instructions because I want my logo to appear at top of home page with the Sitename.
Inserted the code above into site.uncompressed.css and I did change the default values to be valid.
Saved file (working in WebMatrix) and refreshed the local running site. No discernible change in home page.
Is there a procedure I should follow to generate site.css from site.uncompressed.css?
Hi Bill, file site.uncompressed.css is meant to be used only as a reference if uncompressed code is necessary. If you want to use this code, you'll have to copy its content to site.css (this is the file used by Orchard).
I am using INVENT theme with Orchard v. and I adds the code to the bottom of site.css file but the logo not what show, the next is the code
#Logo a { background: url(../Content/Images/logo_clixone2.png) no-repeat; display: inline-block; font-size: 0; height: 48 px; width: 48 px; }
Best regards.
Juan, can you provide a link to your website, so that we can debug directly?
Hi I have the metro theme and I have the same problem, I am running this on my desktop.
#Logo a { background: url(../Content/Images/mx_small.png)
no-repeat; display: inline-block; font-size: 0; height: 50 px; width: 80 px; }
Hi I'm having no luck getting a logo to appear on my Orchard website.
#Logo a {
background:url(../content/images/OCHT_logo.gif) no-repeat;
height: 80 px;
width: 304 px; }
Please try removing space in height and width, like this:
height: 80px;
width: 304px;
Thanks Beatriz. All sorted now.
Hmmm, have just applied a new Orchard theme and this is proving to be an issue for me, this is what I have:
#Logo a {background:url(../content/images/OPSL_Logo.jpg) no-repeat;display:inline-block;font-size:0;height: 99px;width: 236px;}
However no logo is displayed and trying to access the logo location directly resilts in a 404 error but the logo is definately in the correct place
any advice?
OK ignore my previous comment I cannot read ;-)
I added the following style to the css:
#Logo a { background:url("../Media/Default/images/IntelliemLogo.png") no-repeat; display:inline-block; font-size:0; height: 84px; width: 300px; }
On my test site (, the AREA for the logo appears, but the logo does not, itself, appear, even though the URL is correct:
How can I fix this?
Hi Dan, we just accessed your website and the logo is looking fine :)
Maybe it's a cache issue? Please check, since all seems to be ok.
Sorry I forgot I had posted this issue here. I found the problem: it was solely that my media was in "/Media/Default/images/IntelliemLogo.png" not "../Media/Default/images/IntelliemLogo.png" :-) Problem solved :-)
Hi there
I installed orchard on my windows localhost iis just to try it
in the installation I entered "mysitename" as my site name and then enter the admin name and password to complate installation
now i installed a metro them on my orchard but the name "mysitename" is known as my site logo
how can I remove this name as my site logo and then add my personal logo to this site ?
please help me
thanks you all
Sincerly :
Hi Raha, please read the above article, it explains how to add the logo in 2 simple steps.
Dear Beatriz
forgive me if my question is not related to this post
but I cant open and edit Orchard theme . after I installed Orchard.metro 3.0.0. I cant to edit site.css file to change my logo
now my logo is my site name in top of header placed as logo
Im not be able open site.css in visual studio to edit and change my logo.
how can I open and edit Orchard theme file and then save them In there own place with the default name ?
please help me
forgive me for my bad english
Hi Raha, Can you tell us why can´t you edit the site.css in Visual Studio?
Did you try to edit the file with other editor?
To keep track of your issues and get full support, you can open a ticket here
Thank you
Hello Dear Pedro
first of all forgive me for bad english
I install orchard on iis in windows 8.1
and then install orchard.metrotheme 3.0.0. on the orchard
now I cant open metro them by visual studio as a project
but i able to open it's file one-by-one with notepad but there is great problem to edit them
when I change some cod and many line of this theme and want to save the file it doent permission me to save edited file originally
then I must save file in other place outside the inetpub/wwwroot and then replace this edited file with orginal file .
this is my two question
1-how can I open installed orchard them in visual studio as a project ?
2-how can I save edited files if orginal place in the inetpub\wwwroot ?
I will thanks if any body help me to resolve these two problem
thanks agian Pedro and Beatriz
Editing files in inetpub will give to that result by not letting saving the file, I think is the permissions or if the file is in use by the IIS.
We don't use Visual Studio to edit these files or create the theme, we have our theme generation process.
our theme generation process !!!
what is it ?
means I cant edited file from C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mysite\theme and save them in orginally place ?
why ?
there is not any way to resolve this problem ??
By default only administrators have write access to
. Two options:C:\inetpub\wwwroot
Thanks Dear Friend Pedro
I did all that . like as give permission all file of my application pool in IIs but that wasnt effective
But really thanks for your help dear friend
with the best regard
Hi Beatriz
I add my logo finaly after a year I can find a little about orchard
as you've tut above I add my logo and paste my logo.png to ocntent/images
add the code you tut here
now my text logo ( site name ) is disappear but logo.png is still not sjow in the logo place
have a time please take a look at :
great thanks
Best regards Beatriz
Raha Amirchermahini, It seems that is missing the path to your image/logo
background:url(../content/images/YOURIMAGE) no-repeat;