Member roles and permissions

This article explains the different member roles available within your BindTuning workspace and their associated capabilities. Knowing these roles will help you assign the appropriate level of access to your team members, ensuring they have the permissions they need to be productive while maintaining security within your workspace.

You can see and assign roles on the Workspace Settings page.


Member Roles and Permissions


Your workspace offers several roles, each with specific permissions.



Is the creator of the account and owns the workspace.

  • Has all permissions
  • Can delete the account (and workspace)


Has complete access to the account, except for account deletion.

  • Can create, edit, save, publish, and delete all assets (themes, templates, etc.)
  • Can install all assets and products
  • Can manage (create, edit, delete, share) policies
  • Can manage (create, edit, delete, share) approval workflows
  • Can manage the workspace, including inviting and removing teammates, and changing workspace details
  • Can manage (view and edit) billing information


  • Can create, edit, save, publish, and delete all assets (themes, templates, etc.)
  • Can install all assets and products
  • Can define approval workflows in the context of his templates

Billing Agent

  • Can only manage (view and edit) billing information


Assigning Roles


Workspace member roles are assigned by the workspace owner or by any designated workspace admin. 


This section will be added soon.

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