Enable Social Engagement on a Communication Site

To use some of the new Social Engagement feature present in our modernX versions of some web parts like Documents, Lists and News, you'll need to take into consideration a few details.

To start, all the steps in this article are in the lists where you want to activate the feature, to access these options go to the Site Contents of the site in question and open the list Settings.



By default, they will already be set up correctly, but in case they are not or to change other settings related to them, just follow these steps - these settings are only available in default Lists, in Document Libraries the comments are always on, and cannot be disabled:

  1. Select the Advanced Settings:

  2. Select the desired option for Comments capability:


For Ratings, whether Likes or Star Ratings, they are only available natively on Team Sites, but this doesn't mean that you can't activate them on Communication Sites.

If the site is a Team Site, you can navigate to the next step, if it is a Communication Site, you need to run the following PowerShell scripts (recommended to run one line at a time) using Power Shell 7:


Necessary PS modules:

Install-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

Install-Module PnP.PowerShell



Connect-PnPOnline -url https://{Tenant}.sharepoint.com/sites/{Communication Site} -Interactive


Enable the Ratings feature, this will open a PnP window asking for permissions, accept them all, and the feature should now be available within the settings:

Enable-PnPFeature –identity 915c240e-a6cc-49b8-8b2c-0bff8b553ed3 -Scope site


With this done, we can move on to the part of providing the Ratings, by following these steps:

  1. Within the settings list or the Document Library, click on the Ratings settings option:

  2. On the following option you can activate the feature, it apparently only allows you to have the Likes or the Star Ratings, but there is a way around this as shown in the next step, for now activate the Likes:

  3. Navigate back to Site Contents. You should notice a new column called "Number of likes", this means that you can now like documents, now to also show the Ratings column click on the option to add more columns, then click on the option "Show or hide columns":

  4. It will show all the available columns in the list, and there will be some new ones, in this case we want the one called "Rating (0-5)", select that one and click apply, now we have both Likes and Star Ratings in the list (steps 3 and 4 are only to show the Likes and Star Ratings in the list, they are not mandatory for the Social Engagement feature in the web part to work):


After following these steps, the Social Engagement feature will be ready to use.

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